~Meal Prep Can Be A Useful Tool. But Is It For Everyone?~

As we navigate through our busy lives there’s one daily dilemma we all share is – we all have to eat. And if you’re like us, food is so much more than “fuel” to you. It’s meant to be savored and enjoyed. After all,  the dinner table has always been the heart of every home for generations. A place to gather, communicate and make memories. Food is love and we all desire to eat better and feel better.

Though sometimes the path of “eating better” can lead us down roads and mindset where we are pressured to think of food as nothing more than fuel. We disagree.

Enter food prep. We get lots of questions about food prep from our families. If you are an avid food prepper, or it is a lifestyle that brings you joy, we are glad to be a part of your journey! However, like us, most of our customers come from busy families for who a strict regimen might not be practical. So, for those with an army to feed, work long hours or have picky eaters (We’ll touch on that later this month!) this ones for you! 

If you too hate spending your Sundays batch cooking read on!


What is Meal Prep? 

Enter Tupperware galore and say goodbye to your Sunday nights. We love food and cooking and convenience but traditional meal prepping is a bit different. Usually, traditional meal prep is cooking an entire week’s worth of healthy meals in one night, portioning everything into one-serving containers, then juggling containers to make it all fit! That’s all and well if you are a single person but if not…then times that by however many family members you have!

That’s why meal prep is incredibly popular for those such as health gurus and body builders that you see on social media who require very specific nutrition.

And even if you loved meal prep in the past but struggle with it now, that’s okay. Sometimes things that used to work for us won’t necessarily get us the same results now. We believe in the concept that every person and family needs something different,  meal options that works for both their body and routine.

After all, the key to making a lasting change  is finding what’s going to work best for you. Right here and right now, at your level. For some, that just might be meal prep and that’s awesome! However, for those of us who have a bit too much joyful chaos in our lives, it’s not. So, it works for some, but not for all.  Now, what are the rest of us meant to do?

Nutrition and Accessibility- AKA Don’t Beat Yourself Up. 

We can only ever eat as “good” as the food we consume and that we have access too. So why not start there? Whether you’re an avid meal prepper or last minute dinner dasher, it’s all about access to the right ingredients and food. meals at your fingertips allow you the flexibility to eat however you want, whether you’re indulging in an old family comfort meal our trying to eat more “healthy.”

Farm-to-Freezer lets you have whatever you need for your food journey for only a short defrost time. No waste and 100% wholesome choices. And even if you indulge, you’ve still giving your family a meal that will nourish them and, hey – that’s a win all on its own.

It’s easy to get overwhelmed with all of the diet commercials and health influencers out there, flaunting their perfectly photogenic meal prepped dishes and slim figures. But, it’s important to remember that some of us can’t afford to spend the money or time or emotional labor to dedicate our whole lives to a vlog worthy meal journey! A quick spaghetti and meatballs dinner with good ingredients trumps fast food every time!

Above all, we believe in giving our families the tools to enjoy life how they see fit. No matter what their food goals are this year.

Meal Prep Can Be Boring – We Think So Too.

Chicken Breast. Steamed broccoli. Rice. Day in and Day out. We’ve been there. Maybe it’s because we literally have access to the tenderest 100% Black Angus sirloin and we kid you not, the BEST tasting pork that’s available on the East Coast, but eating the same chicken, broccoli, and rice meal after meal every single day  sounds so…bleak! (Seriously, if you’ve never tried our pork chops you have to get some on your next reorder!)

We all have favs but it’s egregious to say that anyone is 100% happy with the same thing day in and day out. Variety is the spice of life as they say, and we think so too!

 Let’s Be Real- Meal Prep Is a Weekend Time Killer.

The usual method of meal prep involves a cooking marathon of making your family’s meals for an entire week. Maybe this can save you a bit of time each day, sure. But a meal prep (and especially ones for multiple people.) can take you hours. Say goodbye to your precious Sunday evening…

If time permits then fine, but we’d much rather spend 15–30 minutes whipping up a fresh meal that can suit everyone’s palettes.

We found that no matter how simple you make your meal prep, it’ll still take time in a huge chunk of your night! Is it worth it?  That’s for you to decide. If you are a on a strict regime maybe, but not perfect for those who have diverse, busy and sometimes messy lives.

So What Can We Do?

From experience and the feedback we get from you we find that Farm-to-Freezer is a truly universal solution. There’s no such thing as a one-size-fits all diet or lifestyle. You get exactly what you want, your meals are always package-to-pan ready, so no worries about wasting food! Whether you are a fitness guru or just a big hungry family – it  still means never needing to swing by the drive thru on the way home. Your meals and getting the nutrition that best for you, is completely in your hands with minimal day-to-day effort.

And if you are interested in meal prep, make it lite. We recommend making food for leftovers for a few nights instead of the whole week. With a Farm-to-Freezer spread you can create meals with top notch ingredients that act as a culinary canvas of sorts, allowing for a variety with seasonings and spices to shine. This is the fun part of cooking after all! No worrying about measuring or portioning. And most importantly no stress or guilt than you aren’t feeding your family and yourself something good.

Simplicity of enjoying real, wholesome food.

Here’s The Scoop.

You CAN get amazing results without intense food prep routines. No shade to our avid meal preppers, of course, we just don’t  want anyone else to feel guilty if it’s not for you. You always have options. We’re just here to share our experience and remind you that you can get just as good of results– sometimes better without it!

Eating quality food is what really matters! (And having the accessibility of a custom menu doesn’t hurt either!) Remember we’re always here to assist you in “cutting the cord” from guilt and stress surrounding mealtimes. So next time you see that perfectly portioned meal by that fitness influencer, or the next diet trend don’t feel bad! Remember to focus on what matters – you and your family’s own food journey!

Click HERE for more info about our service! Or join our Facebook Foodie Group to bask in a friendly community of fellow Farm-to-Freezer enthusiasts!

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