~Time Saved, Money Saved, Family Time Gained

In an era marked by convenience and fast-paced lifestyles, it’s not uncommon for families to fall into the habit of dining out regularly. While the occasional restaurant visit can be a delightful and fun experience, the cumulative impact on your budget can be staggering. The financial drain of eating out adds up quickly, with families often underestimating the long-term costs. 


The Hidden Costs of Dining Out

We find that eating out is not just about the cost of the meal; it includes additional expenses such as tips, transportation, and sometimes impulse purchases like appetizers or desserts. A seemingly affordable restaurant meal can quickly escalate into a significant weekly expense for a family. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the average American household can spend over $3,000 annually on dining out. And it’s been reported that around 44% of food spending is  “away from home.” This figure doesn’t even account for the health implications associated with consuming restaurant-prepared, often heavily processed, meals regularly. Not to mention, that once the commute is made to a restaurant, you are often stuck waiting for a table and then your meal. And as we know, on a busy night at your favorite restaurant, you could end up spending even more time than cooking at home.

The Waste Factor

Apart from the financial drain, dining out frequently also contributes to environmental concerns and food waste. Because restaurants often serve oversized portions, this leads to leftovers that may end up in the trash. Moreover, the packaging and disposable items associated with takeout and fast food contribute to the global waste crisis, Thus making the environmental impact of the restaurant industry an important issue to consider.

Embracing a Farm-to-Freezer Lifestyle

There’s a reason the Farm-to-Freezer lifestyle  has become an increasingly popular and sustainable alternative to dining out. Our approach involves procuring humanely raised, and nutritious produce directly from trusted farms. And there are many the benefits of adopting this lifestyle:

  1. Cost Savings: Compared to what they were doing previously, our families tell us about how much they’ve cut down on their grocery spending and “dining out” splurges. The convenience of a surplus of meals at home removes the temptation to eat out more often.
  1. Reduced Food Waste: With a Farm-to-Freezer lifestyle, you have greater control over portion sizes and ingredients. This not only  minimizes food waste. But, because of a little Frozen Food Magic, nothing is ever “out of season” and none of the food that you’ve purchased with your hard-earned money, has the chance to spoil before consumption.
  1. Healthier Choices: Cooking at home allows families to have a say in the ingredients they use, leading to healthier and more nutritious meals. This contrasts with restaurant dishes that may contain excessive amounts of salt, sugar, and unhealthy fats. 
  1. Environmental Impact: Choosing Farm-To-Freezer reduces the carbon footprint associated with transporting food over long distances. Frozen Food also requires less packaging and prep than fresh and requires less water consumption. This makes it an eco-friendly choice that contributes to the overall sustainability of our food system.
  2. Quality Family Time: As we delved into in previous blog posts, cooking together as a family can be a genuine bonding experience. It allows for natural quality time spent together, creating lasting memories as well as teaching your kids valuable life skills.

In conclusion, while dining out may be a temptation and sometimes an enjoyable treat, the financial and environmental costs associated with it are undeniable. This New Year, let’s not settle for crowded restaurants, wrong orders and long table wait times.

Let’s keep our resolutions to live better by embracing a Farm-to-Freezer lifestyle! Together, we can all make a positive impact on our budgets, health, and the planet. And remember, the benefits of this approach extend beyond the kitchen, fostering a sense of connection to our families and promoting a more sustainable way of life!

Happy New Year!

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