~Let’s take one more thing off your plate this Thanksgiving~


hanksgiving is a time of year when families gather to share gratitude and delicious food. At the heart of this traditional feast is the star of the show – the turkey. Preparing a turkey for Thanksgiving can be a rewarding experience, but it requires careful planning and preparation to ensure a moist, flavorful, and perfectly cooked bird. In this guide, we’ll walk you through the essential steps to prep your turkey for the big day.


hanksgiving is a time of year when families gather to share gratitude and delicious food. At the heart of this traditional feast is the star of the show – the turkey. Preparing a turkey for Thanksgiving can be a rewarding experience, but it requires careful planning and preparation to ensure a moist, flavorful, and perfectly cooked bird. In this guide, we’ll walk you through the essential steps to prep your turkey for the big day.

Consider Your Turkey’s Size and Thaw Carefully:

Before you dive into prepping, select a turkey that suits your gathering’s size. Aim for about 1 to 1.5 pounds per person. If you’re expecting leftovers, opt for a larger bird. If you’re working with a frozen turkey, ensure proper thawing to avoid any bacterial growth. Thaw in the refrigerator, allowing approximately 24 hours for every 4-5 pounds. Alternatively, use the cold water method by submerging the turkey in its original packaging, changing the water every 30 minutes.

Brining and Flavor:

Brining or dry brining your turkey can greatly enhance its flavor and moisture. For wet brining, dissolve salt and sugar in water, then immerse the turkey for several hours or overnight. For dry brining, rub a mixture of salt, your favorite herbs, and spices directly onto the turkey’s skin and let it rest in the refrigerator. Rinse the brine off before cooking. Give your turkey a flavor boost by seasoning it inside and out. You can create a flavorful herb butter by mixing rosemary, thyme, and sage with softened butter. Gently loosen the turkey’s skin and spread the herb butter in the space between the skin and the meat to infuse it with aromatic flavors! Additionally, you can add slices of oranges or lemons in your roasting pan for a fresh citrusy flavor profile.



Decide whether you’ll be cooking your stuffing inside the turkey or separately. While cooking stuffing inside the turkey can produce delicious moist flavors it also increases cooking time. So, if you opt for stuffing inside the turkey, ensure it reaches a safe internal temperature of 165°F.


Trussing and Basting:

Trussing your turkey involves tying the legs together to ensure even cooking and a neat presentation. Use kitchen twine to secure the legs and wings against the body. This step helps the turkey retain its shape and cook evenly. Be sure to regularly baste the turkey with its own juices or a mixture of melted butter and broth to keep it perfectly moist. Use a meat thermometer to monitor the internal temperature, aiming for 165°F in the thickest part of the thigh.

Resting and Carving:

After the turkey reaches the desired internal temperature, remove it from the heat source and let it rest for about 20-30 minutes. This allows the juices to redistribute, resulting in tender, juicier meat when carved. Then, carve the turkey into slices, starting with the legs and wings, keeping in mind the natural muscle structure.

Done! Serve up your beautifully prepared and cooked turkey alongside your favorite Thanksgiving side dishes!

We hope this was helpful!  Preparing your turkey for Thanksgiving involves a series of well-executed steps that will lead to a succulent and delicious centerpiece for your feast. From selecting the right turkey to seasoning, cooking, and carving, each step contributes to a memorable dining experience shared with loved ones. By following our comprehensive guide, you’ll be well on your way to creating a Thanksgiving turkey that’s both visually impressive and crowd-pleasing.

Heartland’s here to guide you every step of the way, from quick lunches to festive feasts. Do you know someone who could use a big assist in their kitchen? Refer a friend and earn to eat for free!

Let’s keep the season of giving going strong!

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